Auto Nighttime Month End Procedures
How Does Automatic Nighttime Month-end Processing Work When it Falls on a Weekend?
So far in the year 2020, we have seen several months where the last day of the month fell on a weekend. For those clients who are running Automatic Nighttime, where the system loads and executes the nighttime itself, it is important to understand the process by which the system executes this.
The month of May was a prime example where May 31st fell on a Sunday. If your operation does not execute Saturday night times, which most of you do not because you are closed on a Saturday, then the Automatic Nighttime will load and execute month end procedures on THE FRIDAY BEFORE THE LAST DAY OF THE MONTH! So, on Friday, May 29th, 2020, your month end was loaded and should have executed.
If you are working on Saturdays and are open for business, your Saturday Nighttime will execute every Saturday and come month end, the Automatic Nighttime will load and execute month end procedures on THE SATURDAY BEFORE THE LAST DAY OF THE MONTH! So, on Saturday, May 30th, 2020, your month end was loaded and should have executed.
Because Sundays are considered a day of rest, your nighttime will NOT LOAD AND EXECUTE! So if you were expecting your month end to load on Sunday, May 31st, it does not. It is not programmed to do this. However, if you want your nighttime to load and execute on the last day of the month and that last day is a Sunday like it was in May of 2020, then follow the following procedures:
Polaris ST/UV (Universe) Users only
· On the Friday before end of month (Saturday if you work on Saturday), once all business is completed, go to your server and break out of the auto night session by clicking on Help>Troubleshooting>Send Break. The system will log off and disconnect you automatically.
· On Sunday, logon as User “ntpst” with password “P0laris” (zero instead of “O”) You will be taken to the Nighttime menu
· Build the Nighttime Process and make sure you slash out the date and time.
· Answer “Y” to INV.EOM and AR.EOM.
· Make your Safety Save.
· Run the Nighttime Process.
· Once the file save is completed, the system returns to the Auto Night process. Just minimize the SBClient session.
Polaris ST (MvBase) Users only
· On the Friday before end of month (Saturday if you work on Saturday), once all business is completed, go to your server and break out of the auto night session by clicking on Help>Troubleshooting>Send Break. Then click Help>Troubleshooting>Reset Port. You will then see a “!” or “*” in which simply type “END” which brings you back to TCL. Then Type “OFF” to log off the port.
· On Sunday, log to PST in the “Please Logon” prompt.
· Logon as User “NT.PST” with password “POLARIS”. You will be taken to the Nighttime menu
· Build the Nighttime Process and make sure you slash out the date and time.
· Answer “Y” to INV.EOM and AR.EOM.
· Make your Safety Save.
· Run the Nighttime Process.
· Once the file save is completed, the system returns to the Auto Night process. Just minimize the SBClient session.