Night Time Setup

Universe Auto Night Setup

  1. Login as “autont” and the password will be “P0laris” (zero).
  2. Make sure the date matches.

Universe Night Time Setup

  1. First user name = ntpst and password = P0laris
  2. Then you will use NT.PST and the password will be POLARIS.
  3. When fully logged on you will then choose the option “Building of Night-time processes” (ONLY If you are running the night time IMMEDIATELY then you should backslash ( \ ) the time out) then hit F2.
  4. Next you will choose “Start up of Night-time process” and answer “Continue” when asked if you have loaded the night time. ONLY CONTINUE IF YOU HAVE LOADED THE NIGHT TIME.
  5. Again, if running immediately, backslash out the time and hit F2 to start the night time.

MVBase Auto Night Setup

  1. Where you would usually log in using “PST”, instead you will login as “AUTO.NIGHT”. Once logged on you are good to go.

MVBase Night Time Setup

  1. Log in to “PST” like normal
  2. Then user name = NT.PST and password = POLARIS
  3. Choose the option “Building of Night-time processes” (ONLY If you are running the night time IMMEDIATELY then you should backslash ( \ ) the time out) then hit F2.
  4. Next you will choose “Start up of Night-time process” and answer “Continue” when asked if you have loaded the night time. ONLY CONTINUE IF YOU HAVE LOADED THE NIGHT TIME.
  5. Again, if running immediately, backslash out the time and hit F2 to start the night time.